Together we can release children and their families from poverty.

For those who live in extreme poverty, everything about COVID-19 is magnified: the risk, the fear, the uncertainty, the life-and-death realities. Children and families living in poverty are the most vulnerable in every way. They have no safety net. Hygiene is a luxury for many. If parents can't go out and work due to mandatory isolation, families can't eat.

COVID-19 has greatly increased the need among the countries and communities where the local church is working. In these unprecedented times, we're adapting fast. Our focus is still on caring for children, but when survival is on the line, that means supporting the world around them. During crisis and disaster situations, helping communities and caregivers is often the most critical and immediate way to help children.

That's why our campaign WE RISE AS ONE is empowering our church partners to extend their care further. Give now to enable the local church to provide children, families and wider communities with health and stability through hygiene, food and housing security.

Here are some examples of what your donation can make possible:

25 Euro

- can supply an entire household with critical hygiene supplies like hand sanitizer, vitamins and supplements, protective masks or materials to make them, and information on how to prevent infection.

40 Euro

- can supply an entire household with a 2-week food package of essentials like rice, eggs, meat, milk, corn, other non-perishable dry goods.

Optional amount

- Your gift can provide rent assistance to those families most at risk of losing their homes, due to inability to work and pay rent during the lockdown. 


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